No future for AM2R

Nintendo of America, Inc. has filed a takedown request under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). I received the request on my personal email, so I'm complying with their requests.

There will be no more AM2R updates, and no more releases under any platform. 

Thank you for the support during all these years.


Anonymous said…
Anyone else feel like this was a real dick move for Nintendo to make? The guy spends literally YEARS producing this thing with no motive other than making sure that one of the finest titles in the franchise gets the remake it deserves, and then Nintendo swoops in and orders him to stop AFTER all that time and labor have been invested. Certainly makes me not want to ever give that company a single penny more for any of their products for the rest of my life.
Lobishomen said…
This is a little sad, the good side is that you were able to finish the game and now we can play it and thank you.
Guarrow said…
The game still lives in our hearts, and it still available in some places. Thank you for giving this to us, that was awesome from you, I really hope that you will continue to do awesome games like that. I hope the best for you man, really, thank you again.
Unknown said…
Love how they have been ignoring the series for years, yet they jump on the chance to swat down somebody trying to bring it back to life. Oh... Right. Money.
Anonymous said…
I'll tell you what's really sad: Amazing Metroid games like Other M getting crapped on, and as a result, nintendo develops shit like federation force (or whatever it's called). That's the real tragedy here: The 'fans' complaining about a legit Metroid game, and nintendo giving up on developing good quality anything afterward. Then us real fans of the series have to deal with the aftermath, only to hate nintendo for it in the long run because they have no backbone and can't seem to stand up to haters. AM2R brought everything good about metroid into it, from exploration, to story, and those are concepts that have become lost with nintendo. Nintendo has forgotten what quality is, and they've become an embarrassment to the gaming community. Thank you for making AM2R, because it shows nintendo what they've lost, and the more we remind them, the more they may be willing to change and make a real metroid game for the first time in six years, instead of the crap they've been making.
VoyagerOrchid said…
Just had to come by and say this, as I don't feel you get enough credit.

DoctorM64, your team's Am2R for me will always be the definitive Metroid 2 now. I don't care what Nintendo says.

From the little references to Prime games in the log, to the cave from Fusion, to every little detail you guys put in, this game is by and far amazing.

I've followed you and this blog for 8 years or so. I've read your updates, bemoaned delays, and eaten up any screenshots you posted. I even specifically avoided all demos before 1.4 so that I could have the full experience if you ever managed to release it. And your team delivered.

So thank you. Thank you so very much for the first ridiculously satisfying Metroid game (and Metroidvania game) I've played in maybe 12 years. This is by and far the best. I do hope Nintendo someday changes their mind, because Am2R deserves more credit.

Kelatayn said…
Sencillamente no entiendo la politica de juegos de nintendo.

Sus Juegos son una mierda total y cuando alguien tiene una gran idea y la lleva adelante hacen lo posible por joderle la vida.

Creo que alguien deberia boicotear sus ventas de consolas y juegos a ver si asi se iban a pique de una vez y se dejaban de estupideces sobre dcma y mierdas varias que a lo unico que les lleva es a no vender un solo juego.

Simply do not understand the policy of Nintendo games.

Their games are total crap and when someone has a great idea and carries on doing their best to pounding her life.

I think someone should boycott sales of consoles and games to see if they would pique once and stopped on dcma stupidities and several shits that the only thing that brings them is not to sell a single game.
DS Piron said…
It's not likely Nintendo will host it on the Wii U, 3DS or the NX. (Unless the NX can run windows or android games for some reason)

At best, Nintendo might allow him to port/remake the remake to one of thier consoles, but I don't think Nintendo is currently considering that plan, and if they were, then they'd probably go with the staff they know and hired over some programmer who managed to code an exceptional metroid game. : (

Unknown said…
That's just so f'n sad. You put a lot of work into this and Nintendo's just "Well, this is our stuff. We're not as cool as SEGA and now f*** you." Such a shame.

I really enjoyed playing this remake, it's so much fun.
Anonymous said…
The project still turned out beautiful (just completed 1.1 between yesterday evening and today but not throughout the night obviously) and I hope you still consider designing metroidvanias of your own in the future :)

Thanks for putting so much effort into AM2R. I have witnessed an immense amount of progress since I first downloaded one of your demos that only went up to the second water pipeline area when I was still a little kid. Now I am 16 and was amazed with how it turned out. It is really unfortunate what Nintendo has decided for the fate of AM2R, but you have accomplished so much!

The only issue I found was not your fault at all. The game felt short, but that was the original game's problem too. I played through Metroid II so I could have better context of what I was seeing in your remake. You enhanced the game in every way, and gave it its own original feel. All the cool tricks I could do in Super Metroid were present. That made me happy. The puzzle aspect was cool too. I kind of wish spore spawn or some variation of a plant boss was in the Metroid breeding ground area that had the spores and was dark.


I loved how you gave the game a Metroid Prime atmosphere; especially with the final boss fight (each segments where you fight and move forward until you are in a final showdown with the enemy.

The 'count down' bar was such a troll considering that no matter how fast you complete the way back from the depths below the tower, you would still get screwed over by the two doors and the bar speeding up XD.

The implementation of Serris was an awesome idea and got me excited when I heard the Serris music.

Once again, brilliant work! Keep the Metroidvania genre alive!!!!!
Unknown said…
Okay, this really sucks - I want to hate right now.. but let's not - I believe you should use the engine to create something new. Please provide an unofficial download link XD I was so planning to play this after I'm done with a current big project and have time to relax..
Unknown said…
BTW, shouldn't there be a donation option? I mean, so much work.. All these people including me, instead of getting angry at Nintendo we should just donate to you. I see around 400 comments here - so that makes AverageDonation=10 x 400 Donations = 4000 XD Someone has to pay those bills..
Unknown said…
Is truly a true shame that Nintendo take down this wonderfull remake of Metroid.
I actually have a sensation that they would take this project down (and sadly they did) but in the time that i could downloaded the remake, i gotta to say, it's a 10/10, it have that atmosferic ambient that i could classificate as Metroid itself.

Don't let this strike down in the videogame industry, you have talent, thing that Nintendo would never see on people because they are so greedy in HIS products that they don't even know how to reach his fanbase today.

Search for friends and keep working in more games, people like you (and your staff) are the generation that we need to make decents games once again.

Again, as a simple Super Mario World hacker, i have to say, congratulations from the bottom from my heart, and trust me, people really loved this, they missed Metroid.

See you in the next mission.
(Apologies from some orthography and grammar errors, i'm spanish, Chilean)
Tim Walmsley said…
Metroid 2 was the first one of the series i played and I've been following this since it was in it's early days. Everyone who has contributed has made a hell of a game. The fact it was completed is an achievement in itself. It looks and plays better than i ever imagined. i'll be spreading this shit like a god damn X parasite.

Love you all.

Anonymous said…
I think its time for people to unite against Nintendo and say no to all there games no and so forth let them know that we will not stand for what they do with games we love, even if its illegal to make a fan base game but no profit was made from it. Don't Buy the Nintendo NX lets boycott them showing them the power of what consumers can do.
Anonymous said…
This game is a brilliant remake of Metroid II: Return of Samus. I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to relive my childhood favourite in glorious colour on a big screen. Not only that, the additions you have made are flat out brilliant and feel organic to the game. And for these, I thank you also.

Nintendo's actions make me sad. I guess they felt they had to do it on principle... Although, I do wonder if they shut it down because they were jealous.

This game will live in my memory (and probably various backup locations) for as long as I shall live. Thank you to everyone who worked on this, it is truly a masterpiece, and I am grateful to you all.
Viridian said…
I would definitely give the idea of trying to get Nintendo to host the game themselves. You definitely set the bar high on any official M2:RoS remake they could try making, so it'd be a pretty smart move on their part to simply make your creation the official remake.

If this is truly the end of your project, though, I just want to say that you did an absolutely fantastic job on it. The game mechanics, the graphics, the sound quality, and simply how outright authentic the whole game feels...seriously, you did the legacy of the Metroid series proud with this game. Well done.
MaskedManClaus said…
Agreed see if you can give this game to Nintendo somehow.
SlashingElement said…
We can use different methods to play the game in different platforms so that will be fine if the other platforms for it won't release.
Anonymous said…
Allow me to say Nintendo should rethink what they've done. They've screwed you over for all your hard work, and instead of saying "Thank you! Wow! Well done!" they've decided to commit a take down. Unethical, Nintendo. Another reason I think Nintendo will be left in the dust, HOPEFULLY economically forced into releasing their stuff online thru Amazon for the computer.
Anonymous said…
Its extremely frustrating to see some one who has put un-measurable time and effort into a project out of admiration and passion only to have it blocked . I started to type out a long rant on how im tired of Nintendo's less then smart or fair practices towards any one that wants to share anything related to Nintendo.i deleted it because in the end they will never learn and continue doing this BS regardless of how many people type out truthful rants. Guess they have so much money they can dish it out for PAID advertising instead of having fans share their work giving Nintendo a FREE massive spot light on them. Instead squash anyone who does , yea uh ok, thats a sure fire way to get people on your side Nintendo. Considering what i have seen as of late including this deal with AM2R you can count me out of ever giving you a dime again. Oh every thing i have typed here is of my own personal and no one else s opinion . It in no way what so ever represents the creator or any one else here.Its called free speech Nintendo. I call bs when i see it plain and simple. Dont like it dont do it then. Anyways many thanks and much much respect to the creator of this incredible work of art. Outstanding on so many levels.
Unknown said…
2016 will go on in history as the year that many things cherished were taken away from us.
Max said…
Great work! so sad that Nintendo is so stubborn in this way. Couldn't they hire you and let you develop more 16 bit / Super Metroid Style - Metroid's ? :) That would be awesome! The truth is everyone is just dreamin about something like this is going to happen. Anyhow thank you, thank you so much for this great remake/game. It felt so good playing, memories got up in my head like when i was playing super metroid. Fantastic, it felt damn good!!!
SPTX said…
Streets of rage remake got DMCA'd but you can easily find it.
The original author can't be held accountable for game being available against his will. Therefore I'll invite people who like me downloaded it before it got nuked, to upload it everywhere they can.
Unknown said…
Just finished the game today and I have to say it was a honor to play such a masterpeice
wish Nintendo didn't send a DMCA notice though, wish they would just take the fact that there will be fan games of there games, oh well though
OSka said…
Has puesto mucho empeño y dedicación para cumplir con esta meta y eso es algo que debemos reconocer. Muchas felicitaciones por este éxito en tu vida. Sé que todo te irá bien.

Metroid Remake me facion, lo acabo de terminar junto con mi hijo , fue espectacular.

un gran abrazo desde colombia
Raijin said…
Thank you.. really.
Unknown said…
Why don't you just take off Nintendo characters and make it a new game?
Anonymous said…
¡Por Samus!

¡Me cago en el copyright, que ni siquiera protege a los verdaderos creadores, sino que engorda a empresarios y ejecutivos carroñeros, que exprimen obras que ellos no hicieron; no son mas que unos fariseos pedazos de mierda, vaya judiada!

¡Gracias por AM2R, es un sueño hecho realidad!
¡Todo el equipo de AM2R...son los mejores!

¡AM2R hizo historia, y eso ni la maldita DMCA lo borrara!
¡Gracias, gracias y mil gracias!

¡Saludos desde Bolivia!

MAA (Kraid´s Lair SSoldier)
Anonymous said…
This is so dumb I waited forever to play the full game! Nintendo is so power hungry, such hard work gone to waste. I really appreciate all your hard work and dedication!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...

You are a truthful master for creating such a master piece. I am savoring every minutes of this game as I play it. I love the challenge that was brought and the atmosphere is so perfectly dark at some time and lively when needed. I would buy 10 games like that if they were to be released. Nintendo should hire you and make you project manager so that you can fix whats been happening to poor samus in the late releases.
Your a god for creating this you and your supporters. I am so afraid to finish it... I don't want this to end. You made it in the top 3 list that's for sure on my list As well. Oh and You shouldn't have to ask Nintendo Nada! They should beg you to join them instead of hunting you down. Love your work. Hope you make more 2dgames:)

Unknown said…
1 000 thanks for this great game and for the time you spent for it !

You just did the job that Nintendo should have done since many years.

Thanks again.
Adam Bertrand said…
Thanks for working so hard for so long buddy. Don't feel too bad. You know it'll get around even without official mirrors.
Anonymous said…
I knew this would happen. The second the countdown ended ! reloaded the page at least 87 times.
Unknown said…
This is better than the past two official entries to the Metroid series, imho. Instead of giving the fans what they want, they release shoddy games and have the mentality of "WELP, I guess the fans don't like Metroid anymore!", and then we don't end up seeing a damn thing for years at a time. Other M wasn't a bad game, but it was a shitty fanservice entry to Metroid, and Federation Force? Shouldn't even bear the name of Metroid.

I'd be happy to see more patches done to the game, be it your work or fanwork.
Anonymous said…
he won't even try it though humans are patheticly predictable they are creatures of habit and never vear from it so the game will stay dead.
blob said…
Thank you for doing this, this is an amazing remake that gave me some of the feel super metroid gave me as a kid!
Unknown said…
I have my doubts as to this being a real takedown. Companies usually submit a C&D letter, not a DMCA.

I feel you may be being hoodwinked here.
Serrara Fluttershy said…
I'll share this game as quickly as I can...god bless the creator, this remake was so immersive and well-made. I adored the Arachnus boss fight- made me laugh on a couple of occasions and it was a good wake-up call to just how much work was put into this.

With the release of the latest Metroid game, it frankly hurts me how badly Nintendo is treating not only one of it's greatest franchises, but also it's gamers and fans. Even though
they do have the right to protect their IP, at least AM2R is out in the wild spreading all over the internet, keeping itself alive by traveling from place to place, giving others a
piece of Samus Aran's journey.

If you make another game or not, then...See you next mission.

Anonymous said…
One person had the right idea. Look at what came of Freecraft/Wargus. They just made it into a loader of game engines. Too bad that Game Maker people won't like that. XD A remake of the remake without their technology would be a pain.
Unknown said…
This is why my remake projects don't have websites and people commenting on them. One day people will learn.
Unknown said…
You know, THAT would be the perfect thing to do, or better yet, everyone softmod their consoles, and download Nintendo's games for free, that would make them reason more. After all, it is us who give them the job, and without us, no job for them
Anonymous said…
Its kind of funny when one guy makes a Metroid game better than Nintendo, and of course with Nintendo being Nintendo, instead of responding by making another good Metroid game, they just do everything in their power to remove it. This is another example of how Nintendo is blatantly giving the middle finger to Metroid fans.
This game is friggin amazing. Thanks for putting so much effort into it.
Anonymous said…
ive been following this project since 2008 when i downloaded the demo back then it was called metroid confrontation or something like that, i discovered that by accident, when i played it i really enjoyed it and i knew that in the future the project would have a big potential, so i decided to follow your blog and your work since then, im pratically following you for 8 years, every week or month i was reading your blog to look on updates because i am a metroid fan and i am devoted to this series, a franchise that has two entries which almost any veteran gamer can say that they are one of the best games of all time (Super Metroid and Prime), this is a franchise like no other and metroid hold a special place in my heart, seeing what you were doing for the franchise is like giving me a emotional hug, after all those years waiting for AM2R, after every single year waiting for a release date the game is finally here and you released it in the week of my birthday, that was one of the best gifts i had in life, i just want to thank you for all your work in am2r, its my favorite metroid game ever after super metroid and prime, you managed to use the style of zero mission and made a much superior game than nintendo did, i hope that after you move on from this project after all the shit that nintendo did with its fans, bad games like other m or federation force which for me is a slap in the face of the fans, taking down your game was simply offensive to me as a fan, and i cannot count on nintendo anymore, because metroid is my favorite franchise and you managed to give a hope to the fans alone, things that nintendo never did in all those years, am2r is a brilliant game, i love every aspect of it, the exploration, the metroid feel that i never had in years and that amazing soundtrack, its simply a masterpiece, sory for the long text and my bad english, i jsut want to thank you for your contribution to the franchise and the fanbase itself, AM2R is a gift to all metroid fans that will never be forgotten, i will still support the game after the takedown, i will upload download links and such and send it to everyone interested, AM2R will stay in the heart of the fans forever, thank you again brother i hope youre good and that you are with your mind clear seeing that you finally delivered your game to the fans no matter what nintendo did, you know your potential, i hope that you keep posting here about your life after the release of am2r, the game is here, your job is done, and rightly done, doesnt matter what nintendo did, the fans will still support you and keep am2r alive so, we are here for you, thank you again and i wish the best, srry again for writting this wall of text but am2r means a lot to me as a metroid fan and sadly am2r also is the last real metroid game the fans received and for that it will be never forgotten.
Unknown said…
Downloaded this some time ago, but I just started to play it. This is very well done. Too bad Nintendo decided to be total jerks as per usual. I didn't get a Nintendo console after GameCube for this reason. Hopefully, you won't give up and try your hand at possibly your own IP. Kudos to you.
MaF said…
As said before I think you should remove all trademark material and release it as a separate game.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for everything man, I loved playing this game. I still hope Nintendo will change their minds later on and stop being assholes
Unknown said…
Being a new metroid fan I never could get into metroid 1, so I started with one everyone loved, super metroid , I instantly fell in love, I went through and found metroid fusion and loved it, but I wanted more, that's when found zero mission and my chance to play the original, I loved it, it took the original and made it into a game that made sense, a game that was actually good, I always wondered about metoid 2 tho, I played prime and was impressed but slightly disappointed in the platforming and first person controls but I still liked it, then I found YouTube videos about this project, I sat on the edge of my seat and waited so patiently for this game, when it came out I was busy and missed my chance at it. But then you released 1.1 and I downloaded it day one. Boy oh boy I had no clue the ride I was in for, the game took me completely by surprise, it was perfect in all ways I could see, the bugs that everyone is seeing I don't see but I was genuinely impressed by your work, I couldn't put the game down, it was finally the game the metroid franchise needed to bring love to metroid 2, I never enjoyed metroid 2 or 1 but i always respected their legacy, this game coming out gave me more respect for the game tho, it made me appreciate the franchise as a whole, thank you so much for your efforts, but at the same time you've got me waiting for the next metroid game, tho I'm sure Nintendo doesn't care, it's sad that they've lost interest in this amazing series but I'm so happy to see people like you who are trying so hard to keep it strong, your truely an amazing person, thank you for the perfect experience that is am2r and thank you for bringing me to love the franchise more, thanks to this game I've grown a deep love for the franchise and for metroid 2, still waiting on Nintendo but I doubt I'll get the game I'm waiting for, you've raised the bar and Nintendo acted prematurely, I'm glad you didn't tho, you acted perfectly like you should have, I love Nintendo but I hate them, I just wish theyd show metroid the love that you do, I know it's been said so much but thank you, and I'll see you next mission
Isokrkya said…
First let me say that I love Nintendo. I won't stop loving them because of something like this, Hell, I even got a tattoo of a metroid on my arm!! But THIS SITUATION leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

We the fans have been waiting for years to get another great metroid game and along you came to help feed us with this great game you remade out of love for the franchise.

There's only one thing I hope and that's for you to do a big copy paste of all the comments we've been writing here and send them back to Nintendo.

You obviously got their attention, why not push a bit and try to get them to open their eyes?

Maybe something positive will come out of this and either they will release a new game or even better, take this one and release it.

Great work on a game I have grown up to love.

Thank you so much!!
Isokrkya said…
First let me say that I love Nintendo. I won't stop loving them because of something like this, Hell, I even got a tattoo of a metroid on my arm!! But THIS SITUATION leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

We the fans have been waiting for years to get another great metroid game and along you came to help feed us with this great game you remade out of love for the franchise.

There's only one thing I hope and that's for you to do a big copy paste of all the comments we've been writing here and send them back to Nintendo.

You obviously got their attention, why not push a bit and try to get them to open their eyes?

Maybe something positive will come out of this and either they will release a new game or even better, take this one and release it.

Great work on a game I have grown up to love.

Thank you so much!!
Nemessis said…
I'm just a random Metroid fan from Spain that learned about your project via a videogame news site, which precisely announced the game was hunted down by Nintendo.

I rapidly searched the web like crazy to see if there was still any way left to get your game and I was lucky, so now I'm playing it and I have to say... CONGRATS, MAN! IT'S SO AMAZING I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT. I played every Metroid game ever released but Metroid 2 was the only one I never was able to finish, since I got stuck at some point and anyway it was really not appealing to me to play on original GB with such crappy graphics. I fantasized with a remake since then, hoping some day it would be possible.

Your project makes me think you're some divine being that heard my prayers and brought me exactly what I wanted so much, for so long.

For that I just wanted to say, THANK YOU!
Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
It had a good run at least...
Anonymous said…
Is it possible to change sprites and not call it metroid? it doesnt make any sense that nintendo would take the game down. You have done better than the entire company has for 9 years.
Quantum said…
Thanks for making this fantastic game. This is what I always dreamed of since I played the Gameboy Version of Metroid 2!
Unknown said…
This game is an absolute masterpiece, sorry to see it go.
Anonymous said…
First Project M, now this? Why are there so many cowards in this world? It's a REQUEST after all.
Anonymous said…
I am normally not the one to comment on how I feel about games, but GOD DAMN GUYS DID YOU EVER MAKE THE BEST REMAKE EVERRRR :D
I remember when I was a kid, I played the original Metroid 2 game endlessly on my gameboy.
Somehow you guys have made it 10 times better than the original :D It's well balanced in regards of weapons and enemies.
The music/sound effects is/are solid, the pasing is great, the graphics are nice. The environments are so different from one another and when you get to some of the parts of the map, where scientists and soldiers have been defeated by metroids, it just gives some speculation to what has happened here, which gives the game an even greater in depth story.
another thing that I was pleased about, were all the extra things you added to the game. For example the backgrounds that vary from day to evening, and the morphball's effect on the machinery, in different parts of the game.
But all in all guys you made one hell of a game and when I played it, I felt like I was sitting in my room as a kid, playing the original Metroid 2 all over again, which gave me one hell og a big smile.
I think it was a dick move from Nintendo, that they shut this project down. I think that they should have made you an offer so that you could have made the game for virtual consol or something like that.
You should be very proud of the work, that you have done. I hope to see games from you guys in the future, cause there is not doubt about you being a great team :D
Tim Reveles said…
Brother! Switch the name to something else and change some of the the sprites. You might as well publish the game with a different protagonist sprite. We will all know what has happened and why the sprite for samus was changed. You have come to far to turn back now. You made a great game. Just change what needs to be changed. call it Nextroid.
Unknown said…
Dear AM2R developers,

This is truly terrible for you guys. I am so proud of every single person who worked on this game. It's honestly is one of the best games I've ever played. I've been a fan of the Metroid series ever since I was 5, and this has made my heart explode with joy.
Though it is sad your game got shot down by Nintendo, there are plenty of space pirates spreading you child that is AM2R all across the galaxy that is the internet. It appears that this time, the space pirates are willing to side with us bounty hunters for the first time in history for the sake of having AM2R touch the souls of many, many more people.

Rowan Miller
(An AM2R fan that's been here since day 1)
Anonymous said…
Maybe market it to nintendo?(call them)

The slightest polish and tons of money could be made.
If rights were split for YOU the developer and they own the title.

I'm sure even if the profits were heavily in their favor... (90/10%)

Still confused how almost entirely fan made things don't fall under FAIR USE ??

Am2r wasn't being sold.(free)

And they don't have any competition with new titles...
VoyagerOrchid said…
Your game is the future. Am2r is now and forever the future title in Metroid 2's place.

The fact that you even added in before the title screen: "Based on a game by Nintendo, Metroid 2." Made me happier than any game Nintendo has made in years because of that continuity.

Thank you!!
Anonymous said…
He must be immensely tired and devastated to find out that the game he put his heart and soul into for years was just taken down. I imagine that he has to feel very unmotivated. He didn't go into detail or make a big speech. He just downright said it was all finished.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE IT! I'm just trying to figure out how to upload saved data onto my thumb drive with the game. Does anyone know how to do that? If so, my email is Thank you.

Anonymous said…
I LOVE IT! It's an awesome fan-made game. I'm just trying to figure out how to upload my saved data from my computer to my thumb drive. If anyone knows how, contact me through email. My account is Hopefully none of you guys(and gals) are good people, and won't hack my account. Thanks everyone.

Anonymous said…
This is really sad...
This game made me so happy when i first got it,and i've waited as this game was updating.
Your game was so good and i really appreciate all your hard work and i hope that one day you'll be a popular game developer
Anonymous said…
It's always about money, not the passion of doing what you enjoy. I am truly sorry Nintendo did this to you and your project. You can always take it underground and give Nintendo the middle finger.
Anonymous said…
Could you send me the source code at please? I want to finish what you started. I am probably the only one here who can do the job and would love finishing your work.

- Julian.
Unknown said…
Not that the game needs any update, mind you - it's flawless as it is in the torrent version.
But still will there really be Another Metroid 3 Remake? When I saw that message, I almost passed out of overhype!
Unknown said…

Man bro, this fan game had so much potential too. Too bad Miyamoto is Jelly of the fact that you're doing a better job than he ever could. Also since I can guarantee that this was in fact not a project meant for profit in anyway, shape or form. Then allow me another question, What part of the words "non-profit" does Nintendo apparently have trouble understanding, just like with the Super Mario 64 (unity ver.) and Pokemon Prism version. I still firmly believe that Miyamoto is just bitter that other people are actually showing him up on his material no less. Now that's some shame right there.
asshat said…
To anyone saying "i am sure nintendo will change minds".

No. Nintendo forced The Game Awards 2016 to pull out anything regarding Project M, Pokemon fangame (forgot the name) or AM2R. Not their legal department, not the faceless corporation, but the ACTUAL nintendo that still produces games told them "get this shit out, i dont wanna see it, or i am throwing a tantrum".

Its Nintendo as a whole the one that wants AM2R OUT
Jim said…
First and foremost, thank you. I had such fun and massive nostalgia playing your game. I can understand Nintendo being overly protective of their IP, but I do feel that you have done nothing but completely honored the memory of their 2d gaming franchise.
Now that the switch is out, perhaps you might be able to suggest that this title become available on their e-store? All it would take is some joy pad remapping. I realize the internet will not let your effort fade away, but for those who never really venture outside of the content provided directly on Nintendo devices, it would be wonderful for those individuals to have a chance to experience the wonderful work you have done.
Even if this project has truly come to an end, I want to once again express how much gratitude I have that you took such care and effort to remind me of why I love the Metroid games. Thank you and best wishes for your future endeavors.
Anonymous said…
To those who made this game,

I just want you to know that Nintendo of America can go die in a fire. This isn't the first time they've treated their Fans poorly or straight up ignored them. Honestly they aren't even making another Metroid game (as far as I know) and they have the terrible judgement to pull this from further development. AM2R, had it gone the way of things like the Black Mesa Mod, could very well have been a great money maker for them, and they're missing out.

As for the game itself; it's absolutely marvelous. I say it 100% literally when I say that it is awesome (i.e. Left me in awe and wonder). This game is exceptional, with nods to older games as well as a well designed story line that fits well into the game. Pacing and gameplay are perfect. The only 2 extremely minor complaints that I have are that the Omega Metroids are really easy, and that there isn't more added in the new areas.

I thank you guys for your hard work and dedication. You renew my faith in that SOME people still make games that are worth playing. You should all get together and form your OWN company and design your OWN games. I would have gladly dropped 30-50 dollars on this one, and would happily buy games from you in the future should you choose to organize as such.
Unknown said…
I used to love Nintendo, I was their biggest fan. Then Other M happened and since then I've only played a select few 3DS games. I was already upset with them, but with this? Attacking the most dedicated Metroid fan(s) of all, who created an amazing remake of a largely unplayable 20 year old game for us? Nintendo is nearly dead to me now.

How dare you Nintendo? To knowingly undermine your most dedicated and loyal fans? So that's how it is? We sink thousands of dollars into all your consoles, all your games, and this is how we are treated in the end? Some of your games and developers will always be my favorites, but your corporation is absolutely shameful at this point.

You screwed up by giving Sakurai too much freedom for Other M, and you chose to release Federation Force that was developed so many years ago that it wouldn't be well received regardless of bias.

Keeping the Metroid franchise and its loyal fans in the dark for 7 years, cutting your losses and giving up because of your incompetence, is not the solution to your petty financial problems.

This is OUR fandom, OUR gaming hobbies, and OUR creativity that you are trifling with. We are not your property, Nintendo. We are free men and women who will express our right not to be silenced by you.
Unknown said…
Sad to hear that Nintendo want you to take your game down. I wish Nintendo would not be like this. You made a brilliant 2D Metroid game which is at some points even better than the 2D Metroids from Nintendo. You made the game I was waiting for many years. For me, it was a realy good experience and I think even if it is not, we can consider it almost as an official Metroid 2 Remake. Nintendo shouldthank you for developing this game, for making a perfect remake and for bringing some new life into the dark times Metroid is having now.
I hope you will have a shiny future and a realy great time. A time so good like all the fans had while by playing your Metroid 2 Remake. Thank you for the great time you gave us with your game!
Unknown said…
Jajaja que importa si nintendo no reconocio nada de esto pues son unos ineptos y lo seran siempre que un bufon de cara de medio dedo este al mando, porlomenos demostrastes tu capacidad al hacer este remake y nos trajiste la divercion que nunca nos dio nintendo porque si hacia falta este juego, todo exelente graficamente es hermoso
Anonymous said…
I just want to say, I wish I wasn't too late. I saw geek critique's rewiew, and i wish I could have played it. But i have a idea, make it into a non metroid 2 remake, make a hi quality fan game, and even if you need to, name the metroids "mentroids" ;P. But that's not my real idea, it's that there could be a split off from the gamma metroids which would explain why the zeta can't fly. The split would have it so they can fly, named Phy (ψ) and the main line would be sigma (σ) which is fully landborne and the normal (iconic) line of metrods. But the 2 lines connect at the mother.
JDDTGM said…
I saw this game on a YouTube video and thought it looked amazing. I arrived at this website to find that Nintendo, the granddaddy of original, pure, fun videogames, has denied me and many others the chance to relive a golden age of gaming because of corporate, capitalist bullshit. This serves as a reminder that whatever pretense a company pretends to have (make your life better through new TVs, radiators, carpets, whatever), in the end it exists solely to make MONEY. I haven't personally followed your journey, but I am still DEEPLY disappointed with Nintendo. Your work will live on, DoctorM64.
Anonymous said…
I saw a YouTube video showcasing this game and I was enthralled. When I arrived at this website, I was honestly distraught. Nintendo, the granddaddy of original, pure, fun videogames, has destroyed a display of loyalty, dedication, love and plain creativity towards their brand for the sake of corporate, capitalist bullshit. This serves as a reminder that no matter what pretence a company bases itself off of (making your life better with TVs, carpets, videogames, whatever), its underlying, sole purpose is to make MONEY. I have only just learned of the journey you and your fans have undergone but nonetheless, your work will not be forgotten, Doctor.
JDDTGM said…
I saw this game on a YouTube video and thought it looked amazing. I arrived at this website to find that Nintendo, the granddaddy of original, pure, fun videogames, has denied me and many others the chance to relive a golden age of gaming because of corporate, capitalist bullshit. This serves as a reminder that whatever pretense a company pretends to have (make your life better through new TVs, radiators, carpets, whatever), in the end it exists solely to make MONEY. I haven't personally followed your journey, but I am still DEEPLY disappointed with Nintendo. Your work will live on, DoctorM64.
s00per n00b said…
Just FYI my 9 year old autistic son loves this game. I have never seen him progress his skill level so well at a game. He struggled hard at first, but then eventually made it through on easy. The following day he started plowing through medium. I have never seen him do such a thing. I t was fucking awesome to see him beat the queen with 2 less energy tanks than I had and have 3-4 to spare (he had no spare tanks left on easy). Thank you so much for making this and providing my kid with so much.
Unknown said…
Whoever make this remake...thank you. I wanted to say how i'm gratefull and wright some crazy amount of words with my gratitude, but i aint so good in english to do that. Well, i hope you (all who have worked on this project) didn't upset too much cos of Nintendo's actions.
Guys, you have done amazing work and make many people happy. Including me. I started to play this series only now and now i know why peoples loves it so much.
Anonymous said…
I downloaded this day one and finally got around to beating it. Let me just say that this is truly a masterpiece among the Metroid series. Every part of this game was so tastefully done and captured that same feeling I felt playing Zero Mission for the first time.

Everyone that has worked on this game has done a great service to the Metroid community. Thank you for all your hard work and see you next mission.

Anonymous said…
Somebody should shut down nintendo, this was a good game compared to other m and fed. force.

Talk about copyright, i'm ashamsed that nintendo was in my live
Anonymous said…
Hve you tried working without telling anyone?, in private with a few friends to test updates and release it in certain forums
Unknown said…
Por qué no intentas venderle a Nintendo la idea de AMR2 de la misma manera que hizo Rare para Nintendo Switch?.... Solo digo, sería maravilloso poder jugar AMR2 en la switch y Nintendo en este momento necesita juegos.

Tu AMR2 tiene igual o más calidad que muchos juegos que están saliendo para Switch.
Anonymous said…
jenny talia's post summed it up the best. Nintendo doesn't respect their fans, so why the hell should we respect their 'rights'? If this were an isolated incident, I could let it go, but this is the last straw. Yes, a company can (and should) defend their IPs. But this borders on fascism.

It's not just me just being a salty Metroid fan- F-Zero fans, Star Fox fans, and pretty much any non-Mario/Zelda/Pokemon fan has had to deal with their indifference and arrogance for years.

It still boggles my mind how many people defended Nintendo's actions. Have they been paying attention at ALL at the middle finger Nintendo's fans have been getting all these years? It just goes to show how strong Nintendrones' fanboyism is. Nintendo could take a dump in a game box, put 'screw you' on the cover, and fans would STILL defend it.

But, enough negativity. Please, AM2R team, make a new, original game. I'd support it in a heartbeat. AM2R was almost perfect- you needed a Gunpei Yokoi memorial in there (I'm surprised there wasn't one!) I thank you for taking the high road despite the circumstances.
Anonymous said…
i just imagined you trying to contact nintendo requesting them to stop taking town actually good fangames, only to get sued $3,000,000 and LOSE because nintendo's lawyers are heartless demons

...and now i'm immensly pissed off for no reason
Anonymous said…
The graphics and music are derivative. Just change the names of stuff and alter "Sumas'" character sprite. Fair Use Rights!
Cautiously optimistic said…
At least it only got shut down because Nintendo was working on it themselves.
jorge said…
now ninten release metroid samus return for 3ds in shame 3d no thanks i stay in am2r after 3d faillure
Anonymous said…
Thank you for your passion and your efforts to recreate Metroid 2. It was extremely exciting and promising to see your progress towards this project.

Today we learned Metroid Prime 4 and Metroid: Samus Returns were both under development, and it makes sense now why they made this request.

Best wishes, hope you'll be enjoying those games when they arrive.

Unknown said…
Welp. Now they've announced a Metroid II remake on their Treehouse this year. Coming out in September.
Chad said…
You should issue a DMCA against Nintendo for "Metroid Samus Returns"
Daikyosenshi said…
Funny how everything falls into place when you see the timeline
Anonymous said…
Well we now know that Nintendo will release a 2.5 D remake of Metroid 2 Return of Samus for the 3DS as announced at this year's E3 to come out in September 2017. I will be very curious to find out witch one will be better.
Anonymous said…
I've played through your game multiple times and can say that it was an awesome homage to Metroid II. It was interesting to recognize a lot of areas from my memory, but see them in a new light with the detailed imagery and logs. Speaking of which, the way in which the story was fleshed out was a very nice touch. As a kid, I read in the manual about the teams which came before Samus and were never heard from again. I understand that that plot point wasn't really addressed in the original due to hardware limitations and that portable games tended to be more simple back then. That being said, though, it's great and fitting that there was closure for them in this.

My compliments on the wealth of original content as well. Creating new mechanics, new music, new bosses, cutscenes... The level of dedication really came through and convinced me that your team has a bright future in game design or wherever you wish to take your talents. Thank you very much for your hard work over the years and good luck in your future endeavors.
Dread said…
Hermano, tu trabajo y el de tus colaboradores es increíble. Conseguí la versión 1.0 (no sé si es la última) y simplemente me enamoré del juego, las mejoras que le diste compiten directamente con el Metroid Zero, ya te he escuchado antes mencionar que no retomarás el proyecto por los inconvenientes, pero la comunidad de jugadores no dejará que esta joya se pierda en el olvido, por más que los grandes lo intenten. Y a ver si el remake oficial es siquiera capaz de igualar AM2R.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on a great remake. If I didn't know I could think this could be a first party release.

I'm sad though this project was taken down. It shows a lot of love for the franchise and its infuriating to see a lot of work from a bunch of talented people to go to waste, shame on you Nintendo.

Its within their rights to cease the game distribution, but hell, it could have been done in a gracious way. The original is 20 years old and this one would not hurt its sales, if so it would increase them by putting it on the spotlight again.

You have my appreciation for the work you all done and, for me, it still counts as one of the best 2D Metroid games ever.
Anonymous said…
Just got around to playing this game and I gotta tell ya: Fantastic job. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. What a spectacular piece of art you created! And with all due respect to those suggesting to release the game under a different name and colors: I've been wanting an honest to goodness METROID game with the METROID names. It's gotta have the same character and story to work for me, so I appreciate you sticking to the title that the game deserves. So again, thanks. This is brilliant. I'm sorry it got taken down, Nintendo needs to take a hint and listen to their fans. They've no right to complain when a fan makes what fans want! As the old adage goes, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Rant over. Peace y'all.
Anonymous said…
Even now, I feel horrible while reading this. Nintendo had missed such a huge opportunity and it honestly is terrible to see you all work so hard on a project as extensive as this and literally be thrown into dirt. My best wishes to you and the team.
JMarlowe said…
To say Nintendo is beyond disappointing as a company is an understatement. Even now, I still cannot purchase a Switch unless I want to pay scalper prices. This is possible because Nintendo continually shorts their production. There is a reason why I only own a PS4 now. What really blows my mind though is Super Metroid for years has usually been in the top 5 in any best games ever list, I know it is my favorite game of all time, but we get a paltry output regarding the series. Yet we get some new Mario game every five minutes. At least we had the Castlevania games for a while. Funny how Nintendo completely ignores demand and then when a fan does something about the fact that they suck, they squash him like a bug. A great company. Oh well, I guess Destiny 2 is about to come out though--no problems being able to play that.
Unknown said…
You and your team did a fantastic job of creating a metroid game. Not just a fan game but creating an ACTUAL metroid game. I just recently followed up on the things that happened and i must say i am baffled. I know Nintendo has never been nice with fan creations if they used assets from their content. But to outright shutdown a 10-year project, which i do complain about but i realize they are perfectly legal to do so since it is their stuff, but they went further and created their own metroid 2 remake? I think that is very shallow from Nintendo and i feel like AM2R sparked the idea for nintendo. Like they couldn't come up with it on their own. I hope they do a great job aswell. You did a fantastic job and version 1.0 and 1.1 will forever remain saved in my data because i love your game. Personally i think the nerf to Omega Metroids was too harsh but oh well. There were flaws in the game but i don't feel like it was faulty developement but rather you had to get around the flaws of the original but were not able to get rid of them without ruining the feel of metroid 2.
You did a great job guys, i'm really sorry for the turn of events and i hope the next Ori game will be great because the first one was alos awesome.

With kindest regards,
a fan
Avi Wolfson said…
Hi, thank you so much for releasing this. I loved the original Super Metroid and this was a perfect sequel. Best fan-made game I ever played. It reminded me so much of the original except it was much better and I really enjoyed it. It took me 12 hours to beat the game. Sorry to hear Nintendo sent you a take down notice. This game is likely better than anything Nontendo could have created for a remake and you did it with just a very small team. Perhaps Nintendo feels ashamed they couldn't come up with something as creative as you did? Regardless I don't feel right playing this legendary game for free for all the time and effort you put into it. Please tell me how I can donate to support you, your team and future projects? Can you accept Paypal? Thanks.
Dakari Voident said…
It has been a year since this game got the full release. Even though you are no longer able to continue to make the game, that doesn't mean that it has died out. There are some out there who will continue with improving upon it, and fixing any bugs that arise. As I am typing this, fan patch 1.2.10 is currently out, with 1 last major update planned for the game. You didn't just create a fan project that became an instant hit, DoctorM64. You created a legacy, and a good starting point for an amazing career. I wish you luck with Moon Studios, and I hope that things keep on looking up for you.
Anonymous said…
É uma pena, olhando pelos vídeos que publicaram o jogo ficou muito bem feito, uma balanceamento preciso.
Infelizmente não tive oportunidade de jogar esse jogo.
Desejo o melhor por essa equipe.
Unknown said…
fue el primer metroid que jugue
Alex Brink said…
Wait... so... If Y'all stopped production at version 1.1, then why is there now a version 1.5? (Assuming this wasn't you)
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